
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Oreo Cupcakes

Please excuse this diversion from composition subjects, but I just have to share the best cupcake recipe I've found in a long time.  I like to bring treats in to my class. They know I make wedding cakes on the side, because I often bring in samples for taste-testing, and a lot of my students come to class straight from work and are hungry, so it's a perfect excuse. I try to work the treats into the curriculum, (see my lesson plan here) but sometimes, it's just a treat. These cupcakes that I found on the website were a big hit. I don't like Oreos myself, but these were the "best ever" according to my students. The surprise is that there is an Oreo baked into the bottom of each cupcake. Click on the picture to get to the recipe. I used my own cream cheese frosting without the Oreos blended in. Now, back to grading papers!

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