
Friday, March 22, 2013

Organization Resources

I wrote a book on being an organized mom, because I have that down, but I'm constantly trying to figure out how to stay organized as a teacher. Drowning in the paperwork is my achilles' heel. At the beginning of each quarter, I tell myself that THIS time, I will clean out my briefcase every day, file everything, purge etc... and every quarter I find myself facing a briefcase, drawers and a classroom awash in paper, despite some methods that have tamed portions of the beast (see this blog and this blog).

So I am constantly on the lookout for good ideas to improve. Here is a book, The Together Teacher, by Maia Heyck-Merlin, that the publisher sent me to review quite a few months ago. I finally had a chance to read through it, and I'm sorry I didn't read it earlier. There are a lot of great practical ideas here, but I like her approach of looking at the big picture first--determining what matters. There is also a CD included with customizable templates.
 The go-to source for keeping an organized classroom is Charity Preston's Organized Classroom Blog. She has many links, products, freebies and even an online magazine to help in the quest for organization. There is no better one-stop source.


  1. Glad to have found your blog! I also teaching English and writing for high school and college students. Excited to peruse some of your past posts.

    English With Mrs. L.

  2. I'm happy you found your way here! I hope you find some useful resources. I checked out your blog and am now a follower.
